
Block 53 – Mukhaizna

The Block 53 concession area contains the Mukhaizna oil field, a large, heavy oil development located in south-central Oman. Mubadala Energy participates in Block 53 via our affiliate Liwa Energy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mubadala that holds a 15-percent participating interest in the project.

In consultation with Oman’s Ministry of Energy & Minerals, we have worked as a partner alongside the block’s operator, Occidental Petroleum with a number of stakeholders to implement the Mukhaizna steam flood project, one of the largest in the region. The project currently has an oil treating capacity of more than 190,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd), and steam injection capacity of 600,000 barrels of steam per day (bspd) at 98% steam quality.

Other partners in the project include the state-owned petroleum investment company OQ, IOCL Exploration and Production Oman Limited and PTTEP Oman E&P Corporation (POC).